Bill White For Mayor
Unofficial blog of Bill White’s candidacy for mayor of Roanoke, Virginia
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Bill White Intends To Run For Mayor In Roanoke, Virginia

I've decided to run for Mayor of Roanoke, Virginia in the May 4, 2008

Starting May 4 of this year, we will need to begin gathering
signatures and organizing volunteers for the campaign. Only 125
signatures of registered voters are required. I am going to file a
campaign organization and begin raising money soon.

The typical Roanoke election campaign costs $50,000 for a three
person slate of candidates. It is my experience that a good portion
of that money goes towards hiring useless consultants and giving
political kickbacks; we will be able to avoid that expense.

Virginia election law violates most of what the Supreme Court and the
various Appeals courts have said about signature gathering
requirements -- they require petition circulators to be residents of
the district in which the election takes place, require the petitions
to be notarized, and various other illegal acts. However, we will
overlook this and comply in order to focus on the campaign, not on
changing the election laws. Roanoke City residents will be hired to
accompany folk who are out of town petition gatherers and witness the

Anyone interested in helping the campaign, particularly if you are in
Virginia and within an hour or so of Roanoke, please email me at

Bill White, Commander
American National Socialist Workers Party

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