Bill White For Mayor
Unofficial blog of Bill White’s candidacy for mayor of Roanoke, Virginia
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Bill White's Thoughts On Roanoke Times Gun Database Error

Virginia Bill To Close Gun Records

By: Bill White (from

I read today there is a bill pending to make concealed carry permit holder information not a public record. That's a bad idea, because its pointless. Right now, there are several online databases with the personal information of every person living in the state of Virginia. Anyone with eighty dollars can reasonably find anyone they want to in the state by searching everything from credit to utility records. Closing concealed carry permit records won't stop the real abuse of that public information

The issue is not about there being an online list of concealed carry permit holders. The issue is and was the Roanoke Times publishing that list with an editorial saying that concealed carry permit holders were like sex offenders and implying that the list should be used to harass and abuse people. Make no mistake -- the Roanoke Times did not publish the list neutrally. Trejbal, and the Times, have both said that they despise Southwest Virginian culture and that they want to force a change on it -- in this case, by abusing gun owners.

The helpful things to do in this case would be to start examining how we can regulating the mass media and how we can pass laws, similar to the German Nuremberg laws, to prohibit Jews, those funded by Jewish money, and those who adhere to Jewish values from operating a printing press.

The trouble is that the current government, if it were to pass regulations on speech, would be more inclined to regulate opponents of the Jewish worldview than advocates of it. All regulation on speech is not equal -- the Jew-libertarian notion that any denial of "freedom" is tyranny is garbage. Regulations on Jewish culture destruction are liberating for white working people, but the permitting of Jewish culture poison while regulating dissent against it, such as occurs in Canada, has a terrible negative influence on society.


On another note, I have nothing against people who like guns. I like guns -- though I don't horde them -- and I think carrying gun is a healthy and normal thing to do.

I do have something against the Judaization of the pro-gun ideology. By that, I mean the terror the NRA and all these supposedly tough gun carrying men feel when they are called "racists" or "anti-Semites", and the fact that the NRA is essentially a wing of the Republican Party, and has often been willing to support anti-gun candidates when the interests of the two have conflicted.

I used to be involved in gun rights groups in Maryland, where anti-gun laws are terrible. Now I live in Southwest Virginia, I feel less intense about the issue, because the gun laws here are reasonable. However, when I was in Maryland, I was elected head of the local NRA backed organization, Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland. To keep me from taking office, the NRA called the police, had them break up the election, then ordered my supporters and I -- all dues paying members of the NRA and MCSM -- to leave the hall as "trespassers".

The entire "Constitutionalist" ideology that surrounds the NRA is garbage. It is combined with Jewish lies about Adolf Hitler, "racism", "anti-Semitism" and "tyranny" that you really have to be a child to believe in. When combined with Republican war mongering and opposition to everything from environmentalism to animal rights, is becomes a sickness that traps the ignorance.

People like Trejbal should be sentenced to a long term in a labor camp for their anti-gun views. But to pretend that the problem is "liberalism" and not the deep cultural divide between the Judaized world and Southwest Virginia is garbage. And to pretend that the answer lies in the Republican Party, and not in fundamental changes to the supposedly "democratic" American system is self-delusion.

We must end democracy and replace it with a National Socialist state. Only there lies the solution to the problem of creatures like Trejbal.